Rent Now, Pay Later

Pay your rent in

12 installments

by card in Dubai.

Calculate your new monthly rent with Keyper

Your yearly rent

How many installments you pay

4 installments

Your new monthly rent with Keyper

AED 1,913,319

That sounds much better, doesn't it?

Let's get started

Our experts are always happy to help

Connect with our team of experts and start renting the way that works best for you!
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A better way to pay rent

Rent Now, Pay Later (RNPL)
Enjoy monthly rent payments, no matter your landlord’s terms.
Pay by card
Welcome to the 21st century! Drop the cheque book and pay your rent by credit card, debit card, or direct debit.
Earn as you pay
Unlock bank reward points every time you pay your rent by card.
Never miss a payment
Track your rent easily with our dashboard, auto-pay options, and monthly reminders.

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Got questions?
We’ve got you covered
Is Keyper a software solution or a property management company?

Great question! We are both.

Keyper is a digital solution that allows investors and property owners to automate daily tasks, monitor real estate portfolios and access data-driven insights.

How are you different to traditional property

Keyper is all about eliminating the hassle of emergencies, complaints, maintenance, and paperwork away from our real estate investors, but unlike traditional property management companies, repetitive tasks that once took up a large portion of the property managers day are now being automated through the Keyper platform. More automation means less time wasted, and with more time on our hands we can focus our attention on your portfolio strategy.

On top of that, we don’t charge a percentage fee on the property’s annual rent. Why should you pay a percentage-based fee when the work required does not vary with rent value? We believe in transparency, and we want you to pay for what you get.

Can you pay my outgoings on my behalf?

We sure can! As easy as it sounds, just inform us when signing up and we’ll take care of it. After we get the details, we then take care of bill management for your property as well as the organization of all your invoices. All outgoings will then be deducted from your statements and reflected on your portfolio interface and insights reports.

How do payments and collections work with Keyper?

We sure can!As easy as it sounds, just inform us when signing up and we’ll take care of it. After we get the details, we then take care of bill management for your property as well as the organization of all your invoices. All outgoings will then be deducted from your statements and reflected on your portfolio interface and insights reports.

A better way to pay rent

James Reynolds
Using Keyper has completely transformed how I manage my rental properties. The app's user-friendly interface and real-time updates keep me informed and in control.
Sophia L
The insights and data provided by Keyper have helped me make smarter investment decisions. I love the convenience and efficiency of the platform.
Alex M
Keyper's upfront rental income feature has given me peace of mind and financial stability. I no longer worry about delayed payments or tenant issues.
Emily R
Paying my rent through Keyper is a breeze. I appreciate the multiple payment options and the helpful reminders to ensure I'm always on time.
Download the Keyper app now!
Get in touch
800 KEYPER(539737)
2204, Grosvenor Tower,
Barsha, Dubai